(17 June)
We left our little cottage with the sand garden around 10 am. Drove back to Ghanzi town, just up the road, to get some cash and fill up with diesel. We also bought a jerry can, and filled it up. Better safe than sorry. And of course a quick stop in Shop-Rite, got some large plastic bags to put our backpacks in when we’ll drive on gravel roads later on.
Today we had about 3,5-4 hours drive ahead of us. Speed limit on the highway is 120 km/h. Part of the road was quite narrow (from a European perspective), speed limit on a similar road in Sweden would most likely be 70 km/h. The traffic is not particularly heavy, and the road very straight. There are no shoulders on the sides, just sand and som grass straws.
We passed two veterinary check-points, due to foot-and-mouth decease in some regions, however, we didn’t have to stop (didn’t have any meat or dairy either).
Not much happening driving along the Trans Kalahari Hwy, passed a few small towns and villages. Saw kids coming from school, some in regular clothes, some in a sort of school uniform. Most houses we saw were small, made from brick. We did se some small huts as well. And of course all the farm animals.
In Botswana the drive was a bit less tedious, and as a precaution we switched drivers every hour. The road was not in quite as good condition as in Namibia. The narrower road, and a few little bends and slight inclinations made it less tiering.
We have a sat nav, and a map. Still it was pretty difficult to find the small dirt track to our accommodation, we had been warned it might be hard to find. Got close, but not exactly right. Went back to a gas station and asked a safari guide (he looked like one at least). Supposedly there were signs marking the exits. There were, tiny ones, most of them facing in a direction very hard to detect from the road. We finally found it. A fabulous B&B/guesthouse overlooking the Thamalakane river.