Hairdryers and showers

It’s a curious thing about the hairdryers, the plugs and the sockets. I have borrowed a hairdryer in each accommodation. The plugs are European, and the sockets South African. The two doesn’t fit together. The simple explanation is that only foreigners use the hair dryers, and they just assume everyone brought their own converters (we did of course).

This innkeeper is the exception to the rule. Not only did he supply a converter. He also had an extension cord long enough to reach a mirror. A small luxury!

Another thing at this inn that we haven’t been spoiled with before is a hot shower. Bliss! At all the other places it has been, at best, lukewarm.


One Reply to “Hairdryers and showers”

  1. Tack för nya 23 bilder. Fantastiskt vilket djurliv ni får uppleva både från bilen och från luften. Jag tycker det är så trevligt att få se allt som ni ser.
    Tack och ha det fortsatt spännande. Kram från Pappa