Victoria Falls, Zambia

After lunch we took a taxi to Victoria Falls national park, about 11 km outside of town. We arranged with the driver to pick us up two hours later.

The Victoria Falls are one of the seven (new) wonders of the world. They are the largest waterfalls in the world. Up to one million litres of water fall – down a 108m drop along a 1.7km wide strip in the Zambezi Gorge.

On some paths you can walk and see the amazing sights, and come back dry. For a close-up view of the Eastern Cataract we also walked across the footbridge. It’s a narrow walk across the bridge. The water from the falls spray you like anything from a drizzle to a heavy rain, depending on where you walk. We came prepared, bringing rain ponchos.

Around the bridge there was a full rainbow and part of a second one. They almost came around in a full circle around the bridge. Beautiful!

From certain points you can also see the bridge between Zambia and Zimbabwe. We will be crossing there.

The falls are truly spectacular!
