Crossing from Zambia to Zimbabwe

Woke up this morning and got a message from the place we were supposed to stay at in three days has been closed down. Before breakfast we had secured another accommodation.

After breakfast we checked out. The power had gone out right after breakfast. We were told that the power is turned off for four hours every day due to shortage of electricity, This is because the water levels in the Zambezi rivers are low, and does not generate enough electricity.

We were driven, by the same driver, to the border crossing. It’s right after the entrance to the Victoria Falls National Park. On the way we passed, where we also past yesterday, an elephant corridor. Yesterday there was only one elephant eating away on the trees. Today they were many more. Men riding bikes, loaded with food stuff, were holding back, waiting for the elephants to move on. The elephants smell their food, and might attack.

The boarder crossing was really smooth. Got our stamps on the Zambian side, took a taxi across the bridge (a 20 min walk without luggage), then got our stamps (had to buy a visa for Alex, not needed in Zambia, we had the Kaza visa for both countries) on the Zimbabwe side. Took another taxi to our lodge.


2 Replies to “Crossing from Zambia to Zimbabwe”

  1. Hej Anna! Jag har nu sett bilderna med elefanterna på vägen från Zambia till Zimbabwe. Tack. Ida ringde ett långt samtal, så att jag fick veta, hur de har det. Hälsningar Kram Pappa