Travelling to Kiruna

(25 February)

An early morning. The train took us to the airport. After breakfast at the airport, and a few gate changes that sent us across the terminal a couple times (small terminal…) the flight took off just a little late.

A one hour 30 minute flight took us from extremely early spring in Stockholm to a fairly mild winter in Kiruna. Temperature at arrival was about -8 C. A beautiful sunny day.

Our pre-booked taxi picked us up.


A Night in an Art Suite at Icehotel

(25 February)

When you decide to spend the night in an Art suite, or another cold room, there is an orientation with good-to-know information.

The guide showed us how to get into the sheet-bag, and then the sleeping bag. Told us to dress in thin thermals, warm socks, mittens and a wool hat. They also showed the light switch and the night entrance.

At check in they gave us a small booth where we could keep all our stuff locked up.
